Experiential Stipend Info

In order to help remove barriers to participation and encourage completion of the training, HRSA has provided the CHW CORE Training Program with funding to support trainees with a monetary incentive in the form of a living expense stipend.

Please note that this stipend only applies to apprenticeships and experiential placements. Our online training does not provide a stipend.

How is the stipend distributed?

Each trainee working at a host site will receive a stipend. This stipend is divided evenly over the program period; apprenticeship and experiential trainees receive $1500 per month plus an additional $1500 upon completion, for a total of up to $6000.

What do I need to be eligible for the stipend?

Trainees are eligible for the stipend if:

When can I expect to receive the stipend payments?

Trainees at experiential sites are expected to submit monthly overviews of their work, as well as reports from their supervisor on site. Once a month, the CHW CORE determines all trainees that have met their benchmark requirements for a stipend payment. If a trainee has completed all necessary paperwork and completed benchmarks for a stipend, their payment will be entered into PHMC's invoice system, to be paid out after completing the approval process (usually 30-45 days later). Otherwise, payment for that stipend will be delayed until they have completed those requirements. 

Trainees WILL NOT receive their stipend earlier if they complete the benchmarks for a later month; payments will be entered at their respective months regardless of whether the trainings were completed earlier.